This book gives you a more in depth look at the power behind these dietary supplements and the surprising results obtained from their use.
Numerous studies are cited that elaborate and confirm the efficacy of these supplements.
These studies from the Linus Pauling Institute, Pub Med and many other reputable publications are mentioned in this book
We all owe a debt of gratitude to these great scientists who spent their lives researching these supplements, making some remarkable discoveries, increasing our nutrient knowledge and making our lives potentially much better.
They are all a gift to mankind.
From amino acids and B12-- to Zinc----,no matter what your current knowledge of supplements is --you will benefit from this reading.
This book explains the complexity of vitamins and their ability to help the body heal itself when taken properly and can also help you to maximize your health and minimize your illnesses…
The miracle of the body is that it can and will heal itself .We all need to fortify and strengthen our immune systems.
With this book you can achieve a healthy, optimal, quality of life we all deserve.
by RICK MARZ (Author)