The Plague City : A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (Science Fiction, A Post-Apocalyptic, EMP Survival Thriller, Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Young Adult, Mysteries, Short Reader Book 1)
The Event causes the failure of every electronic device in the town
When Steve Flint returns to his home town of Dillon to visit his elderly parents he only expects to be there for a few days. His plans are quickly shattered when an unexplained event causes the failure of every electronic device in the town. In a matter of days the people of Dillon are exposed to how fragile the systems are that they take for granted and how quickly social norms begin to disintegrate. Resources, relationships and even moral code are tested to the limit. Initially, it is a general reluctance to accept that life support systems that had come to be accepted as normal, could in fact, be so delicate. That early period of denial prevented action from being taken.
The Plague City : A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (Science Fiction, A Post-Apocalyptic, EMP Survival Thriller, Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Young Adult, Mysteries, Short Reader Book 1)
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