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Never Lost: Your Inner Light is the Beacon of Inspiration for What Lies Ahead (Spirituality, Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Self-Help, Personal Growth, ... Spiritual Healing, Motivational) by Dimitrios Pagonis

Never Lost: Your Inner Light is the Beacon of Inspiration for What Lies Ahead (Spirituality, Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Self-Help, Personal Growth, ... Spiritual Healing, Motivational) by Dimitrios Pagonis 

This is a bold and unique approach to ever-present queries about creation, existence, life, and the future. Centuries ago, ancient Greek (and other) philosophers tried to make sense of a very turbulent world by unraveling divine mysteries and the laws that governed them.

In current times, important discoveries are coming to light. Humanity’s way of thinking is not only the key to life’s mysteries but also the driving force behind them. This realization is the catalyst for a shift in the paradigm – the recognition that creation and existence are fundamentally intertwined. Each one encompasses and produces the other. 

By understanding and changing your mindset, and by eliminating limiting beliefs, you can remove the restrictions on your mind that are holding you back. You’re free to take huge, significant actions towards manifesting your wildest dreams and your truest desires – abundance in love, money, good health, success, and happiness. 

The time has come to take charge of your life. Today your life takes on a new path. A path of purpose, order, and wisdom in unity. No discrimination, no hard choices, no pain, and no bad feelings. 

Consider this book a powerful tool. May it take you on an enlightening, fulfilling journey. May you never be lost again.


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