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Insignificant Other: A True Story of One Woman's Journey Through Narcissistic/Emotional Abuse by Toni LaRose

Insignificant Other: A True Story of One Woman's Journey Through Narcissistic/Emotional Abuse by Toni LaRose 

Did you have a relationship that left you feeling as if you were gutted from the inside out? Do you want to understand why? Relationships with Narcissists/Emotional Abusers are not normal relationships. They are highly toxic and very emotionally painful experiences. Even when you walk away from an emotional abuser, life doesn't magically return to normal. Your wounds are invisible. Unfortunately, the healing journey from emotional abuse is not normal either. Relationships with emotional abusers are not real relationships. They are memberships. This book will help you understand why your relationship failed, and why you should be glad it did!


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