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When Bo was Sad: The educational series by Ran Guita

Have a little one that is sick and needs to feel better?Bo the dog is hurt, and needs to mend. He is sad about being stuck at home and not able to do things like play ball or with his friends. His mom notices how sad he is and tries to come up with a plan. Discover a journey of love and support as Bo is celebrated and loved through his recovery.Dealing with the feelings of being stuck inside and not able to do the things we normally do, “When Bo Was Sad” will cheer up in youngster with the stay-at-home blues. Filled with suggestions and ideas to help anyone recovering from illness or isolation, this will make a great read-aloud for any classroom or an addition to a home library. As book one in the Educational Series, “When Bo Was Sad” is the first of original stories that help model and shape children’s character and strengths through different themes. In this first installment, explore the values of giving, friendship and caring for others. Help your little one deal with feelings of isolation and recovery in a playful adventure with Bo the dog.



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