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The Secret to Business Ethics: How to Manage Workplace Fraud Cases and Build Integrity-Based Strategies For Responsible Leadership by Jean Pael

The Secret to Business Ethics: How to Manage Workplace Fraud Cases and Build Integrity-Based Strategies For Responsible Leadership by Jean Pael

Fraud and corruption is a global problem that is bad for businesses, the public sector and the taxpayer. Overcoming them is not a one-man job nor the job of the government, the judicial system, or the country. 

It requires everyone, a person like you and me to fight fraud and corruption. Awareness of how they happen is just the first step - preventing and acting against them is the rest.

This book is not design to be a textbook or something for you to study. It is not design to create another layer of confusion.

This book provides the reader with a solution - a step by step program that brings clarity in the reader’s awareness, actions, and responsibility - to be a skilled leader against fraud and corruption.


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