Your Life In Command!: A Step By Step Guide To Achieving Your Dream Life by JP Rakcha
Life is supposed to be good. But for most of us, life turned out not what we had hoped for. What went wrong?
Like everyone else, JP Rakcha grew up having hopes and dreams. He wanted to be successful. He wanted it all, the house, the fancy car, the family, the vacations, etc. He wanted the American dream.
But in my mid-twenties, he found myself living with his parent, working a low-paying job just to get by. He had no family, no house, no car, and no money in the bank. He had hit the wall.
That's when he started my quest, to find a way to achieve his dream life. It’s been almost fifteen years since he started this journey. He now has achieved many of my dreams.
He put together this book to help others who have struggled at one time or another in their lives. This book summarizes the steps that he used and the approach to keep focus on life goals. These steps outlined in this book is still being used today.
He hopes you’ll find these steps as useful as he did. Let’s begin your journey today.
Your Life In Command!: A Step By Step Guide To Achieving Your Dream Life by JP Rakcha
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