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Animal University: How to get away with Scientific Misconduct by Mika Bindura

Animal University: How to get away with Scientific Misconduct by Mika Bindura

A satirical tale about how a university handles a case of scientific misconduct, with a wink to Orwell’s Animal Farm.

Animal University describes the journey of Rembrandt, a student at the Prestigious University for Animals (PUFA), who discovers that the majority of publications by his lecturer, Professor Nash, are fraudulent. Fortunately, the inexperienced Arabian colt is advised by two clever herons. Rembrandt reports the case to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO) of the university, Professor Stone, who has very creative ideas on how to handle the matter, protect his institution, collaborate with the falcon editors and pursue his own ambitions. As Rembrandt has gathered overwhelming evidence, the university is forced to hold its first Tribunal, which is led by President Bacon.


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