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Senior Moments: A Guide for Aging Safely and Gracefully (Dr. T's Living Well Series) by Dr. Richard L. Travis

Senior Moments: A Guide for Aging Safely and Gracefully (Dr. T's Living Well Series) by Dr. Richard L. Travis

I never really thought about living to be 73 years old, but here I am. Not only have I survived, I am comparatively healthy and happy. I do notice, however, several people around my age, who have different levels of health issues and impairments.

This observation has led me to do some research into what would make an older person’s life a little easier. Of course, we would all benefit from a full-time maid or cook, but for most of us that is not realistic.

So, this book is dedicated to the middle class, and the working class of people who are not millionaires, or able to easily move to an expensive assisted living facility. If you gain one thing from this book that makes your life safer and easier as you age, then I have accomplished my mission. If you gain many things from this book that make your life simpler and easier, then I am very grateful to have been the one to enlighten you.

There are great many HINTS posted in the main text of this Guide to give you something to strive to change or accomplish now. There are also many, many resources at the end of this Guide for you to do more research and learn more about the topic or topics of aging that interest you most.


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