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Gay Men's Introduction to Love and Relationships by Dr. Richard L Travis

Gay Men's Introduction to Love and Relationships by Dr. Richard L Travis

Can a gay man find a friend to trust? Can he find a date, or even a partner? Are there healthy gay relationships out there? Are most gay men only partiers and not really emotionally available? What about trans men, bisexuals, and gender fluid people? Gays are entitled to have good, healthy friendships and good healthy relationships.

Many gay men have felt they have been perceived as "damaged goods" and therefore act out in self-abusive ways by choosing inappropriate or emotionally unavailable men to date or befriend. This book helps identify personality characteristics or behaviors that get in the way of successful relationships. Clearly there is a need for each of us to take responsibility for what we bring to the relationship and be totally conscious of what the other person brings to the relationship.

This book addresses the struggles that gay men have finding safety in home, employment, and relationships. It also focuses on the different needs gay men may have as individuals and as a group. This book is about working at being conscious; conscious of our own behavior and needs and conscious of others' behavior and needs. It is also about being conscious in our relationships.

There are poignant thoughts and quotes from gay men in successful relationships given to those who might benefit by their wisdom and experience, There are also many suggestions from gay men who were surveyed, as to how to seek out a healthy date or potential partner.

You will read about what kind of relationships seem to work better than others. You will also read about gay codependent relationships and how difficult they are. There is also a section describing relationships with 2-men, 3-men, and 4-men. You can also read about gay men who don't want a relationship.

This book will guide you to look at you look at yourself and others to help lead you to the kind of friends and relationships that will enrich your life and make you thrive and grow. This book addresses the struggles and the hopes that gay men have to just find safety in their homes, employment and in their relationships. It also focuses on the different needs gay men have as individuals and as a group. This could be the one book that you read to get you moving towards a positive change and getting or keeping that "special someone."


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