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Book intro:
It is our birth right to live in an Earthly Paradise and be able to manifest all the goods that we want and deserve. Unfortunately, we have misunderstood the most important truths of our world. So, because of our misconception we tend to manifest suffer instead of pleasure, disease instead of health and scarcity instead of prosperity. In this book, we analyze some of the most famous gospels in the Bible, Just to realize that Christ came to teach us how to benefit from the correct use of the Law of attraction. Actually, the entire Bible is the most detailed manual on "The Law of Attraction" that has ever been written in the World. So, let's investigate "the Law of Attraction" from a completely new point of view and let's improve our prosperity level, within just 40 days!
God Wants you to be Wealthy: Investigate the Law of Attraction through the teachings of Christ by Vassia Sarri
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